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when/how changes are saved for multiple users


I am having issues with rows randomly being pushed to the bottom of my sheet. It appears that it is when there are multiple users saving simultaneously.

When/how does Smartsheet save multiple changes? If I am typing and I receive a refresh prompt, do I save my changes or do I refresh first?

This has been an issue since I started using Smartsheet and very problematic as my changes are not being saved appropriately and I have to re-do my work - which is very time consuming.

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,





  • steven.reed14881
    steven.reed14881 ✭✭✭✭✭



    Below is an explanation of how you should handle multiple users/refreshes from SS Help. It also addresses changes in the same field, so this should provide you with adequate direction.

    When you see the pop-up message alerting you that another collaborator has saved changes to the sheet, click on the blue refresh icon and select the Refresh link. If you have unsaved changes, the application will prompt you to Save them first. Upon refreshing, you should be able to see the changes you just made and any changes others have saved. 

    If you've both made changes to the same cell, the last saved change will be displayed in the cell. The first change made will be viewable by right-clicking on the cell (Mac users can [Ctrl]+click) and selecting View History.

    I have found, that when in doubt, save...and also use SS Help (and this Community). I have found that I can pretty much always get a good answer--even the tough ones--between these two resources.




  • Brad Smith
    Brad Smith ✭✭
    edited 08/15/17

    I work with Melissa and she figured out a solution. 

    Once our users disabled auto-save the data anomalies disappeared.

    It seems users manually saving, less frequently than the 3-min default, creates less data management stress for Smartsheet.

    We've now been rocking auto-save-free for two weeks without a single issue. Fingers crossed.


    Account > Personal Settings > Settings > untick 'Auto-save after x-minutes of inactivity'

    Screencast: https://youtu.be/jfPaczP1zjA

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