Automation Condition Not working


Hey all,

I set up an automation to request an update if one field is blank and if another field is not a specific list of departments and I got an email this from someone in that department saying they got an email anyways.

Can you take a look at the below screenshots and tell me if I'm missing something?

Here is the automation:

Here is the email they received:

I've check to make sure it is exact. No spaces or other options in the 'is not one of' field.



Best Answer

  • Ella
    Ella ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    @Dakota Haeffner It seems that Week 1 QA is triggering it due to being blank for that particular department.

    Can you split your current set up into 2 separate conditions and test it, but make "Is not one Of" your first condition so that the worklfow first filters out these departments and then add that Week 1 QA should be blank?


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