How to fix #UNPARSEABLE for my nested IF formula

Pablo_G ✭✭
edited 10/12/23 in Formulas and Functions

Here is my nested IF formula and I don't understand where the issue lies.

I've created a new column called [Initiative Expense] for my formula. My [Initiative Type] column has multiple values for types of expenses and credits, but if the value is one of five expenses (listed in parenthesis in the formula), then I want the cell in my new column to display the value listed in the [Initiative Amount (Expense)], which is on the same row as the [Initiative Type]. It should be simple, but I get an #UNPARSEABLE error. If there is no value (amount) for any of the corresponding five initiative types, then I want the result to be $0. Please help and thank you.

My formula:

=IF(([Initiative Type]7 = "Pass-Through", [Initiative Amount (Expense)]7), IF([Initiative Type]7 = "Marketing Vendor", [Initiative Amount (Expense)]7), IF([Initiative Type]7 = "TDA", [Initiative Amount (Expense)]7), IF([Initiative Type]7 = "TDSCG", [Initiative Amount (Expense)]7), IF([Initiative Type]7 = "Employee Expense", [Initiative Amount (Expense)]7), "$0")


  • ker9
    ker9 ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Pablo_G

    If I understand correctly, the Initiative Type column is a multi-value dropdown (meaning you can select more than one value in the cell) and you want to return the Initiative Amount (Expense) if the value is one of 5 options.

    =IF(OR(CONTAINS("Pass-Through", [Initiative Type]@row), CONTAINS("Marketing Vendor", [Initiative Type]@row), CONTAINS("TDA", [Initiative Type]@row), CONTAINS("TDSCG", [Initiative Type]@row), CONTAINS("Employee Expense", [Initiative Type]@row)), [Initiative Amount (Expense)]@row, "$0")

    There may be other ways to accomplish this, but see if this works for you.

    Hope this helps!

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