Syntax error when trying to convert to a Column Formula from a cell

So I get this. The Column type is a Drop List, however even after creating a new Column (Text/Number), adding the same formula which works, I get the same error.

This is my formula:

=LEFT([Final "SEVERITY" Code Assigned:]1, 1) + LEFT([Final "PROBABILITY" Code Assigned:]1, 1)

Final "SEVERITY" Code Assigned: = "1-Catastrophic, Final "PROBABILITY" Code Assigned: = A-Frequent. Result: 1A

What can I do to convert successfully to Column Formula?

Best Answer

  • JamesB
    JamesB ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 10/19/23 Answer ✓


    If I am understanding your ask, change your row call from 1 to @row


    =LEFT([Final "SEVERITY" Code Assigned:]1, 1) + LEFT([Final "PROBABILITY" Code Assigned:]1, 1)


    =LEFT([Final "SEVERITY" Code Assigned:]@row, 1) + LEFT([Final "PROBABILITY" Code Assigned:]@row, 1)


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