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Today() Function not updating



  • ✭✭✭✭

    @Debbie Sawyer Very odd that its 2 days behind, its like it lost a day in the process and then is updating based off that missing day. hmm.

  • ✭✭✭✭

    FYI, no real change or action yet. Elevated to Tier 3 with smartsheet and now maybe engineering, if that is different? one of the main files that has failed was saved manually today and the date updated of course, will be interesting to see how it peforms from here forward. Still have 3 other files actively failing. I found 3 more that failed, but they are now working since I had to make manual updates. With Debbies help, we found that there looks to be a trend with failures happening on Monday, so I am waiting for monday to see what happens with these newer files.

  • Community Champion

    @Mike S.

    Hi Mike, I have left this alone all week and just had a look now.

    My Master Ref in Summ Pane HAS updated daily since its initial fail, but is always 1 day out. Today is 17th November, so =TODAY()-1 should be showing 16th November, but as you can see from 1st circle, this is showing as 15th. When I open the sheet it quickly updates to the correct result of the 16th. Maybe a Time zone issue, but I don't understand how as I own both the sheets in use and my time zone is set the same on both. Unless the cell link automation runs off Smartsheets time zone and not mine, then that might be the cause of the day out thing.

    The second circled area of the dashboard is Your Shared Sheet. This is a the sheet you shared to me which was a copy of something. It hasn't updated since Monday!! So yes, the Monday thing is in play on this sheet.

    I hope this helps your case Mike.

    Kind regards


  • ✭✭✭✭

    Thanks for the update Debbie!!!

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