Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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General Income and Expense Sheet - Referencing Cell above, and using Column Formula

Hi Everyone,

Basically trying to create a basic income and expense sheet, moving from Excel.

Where the first row, has a fixed value and the rows after will have a formula of balance from previous row - payments from current row + deposits from current row. The formula is dragged along the Excel sheet.

Excel has only 3 columns : Payments, Deposits and Balance

Now trying to automate and replicate this in Smartsheet, using Column formulas has been a nightmare. So far based on previous queries, I have set this sheet in this particular way to replicate the Excel set up but in an automated way and used the below formulas. It has been very challenging to do so, and getting an error in some form or the other. Open to ideas, and can change sheet structure too, with more or less columns.

Thanks for the help.


Previous Row Reference Column (fx) = Row@row - 1

Row Column (fx) = MATCH(Auto@row, Auto:Auto, 0)

Payment + Deposit Column (fx) = (IF(Row@row = 1, {Total Funds Available}, IF(OR(Payment@row <> "", Deposit@row <> ""), SUMIFS(Payment@row:Payment@row, Row@row:Row@row, <=Row@row) - SUMIFS(Deposit@row:Deposit@row, Row@row:Row@row, <=Row@row), "")))

Previous Balance Column (fx)= IFERROR(INDEX(Balance:Balance, MATCH([Previous Row Reference]@row, Row:Row)), {Total Funds Available})

Balance Column (fx) = IF(Row@row = 1, {Total Funds Available}, [Payment + Deposit]@row + [Previous Balance]@row)

{Total Funds Available} is a cross referenced value from another sheet, which is inputed, this number can be a hard entry as well.


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