Open to today's date... doesn't work

Even if the option is ticked, the gantt view opens always at the beginning date. It happens to me to all my colleagues, with and without licence.

Please help


  • Jason P
    Jason P ✭✭✭✭✭


    We too had the same issue where it would no longer open to today's date. My excalation of the issue went on for months, our IT contractors dealing directly with Smartsheet T3 Engineering teams, it was very thorough however in the end the case was closed with the below responce, this issue still remains with no fix availible.

    We run in a VM (Citrix) enviroment, opening the sheet outside the VM it opened to today's date and when back in it does not but once did; no changes were made the the VM enviroment nor did the servers location change.

    “There is a very simple logic that is implemented to determine what is shown simply based on what "unix timestamp" appears within the browser.

    Since this issue occurs outside of normal (non-VM) environments and in the video the browsers are ran in two different VM environment, the only rationale is that there being an issue with how the virtual machines are setting the timestamp. The accuracy of the timestamp is not something our application validates and unfortunately cause some of those inconsistent behaviors.

    The example that was given showed the issue was occurred through remoting using hypervisor/TeamViewer (which could cause time synchronization issue). Since we can compare a working and non-working machine based on the recording, it seems to be an issue with the environment when both are using the same browser and same sheet. Smartsheet cannot guarantee 100% functionality for all possible configurations outside our supported set of operating systems and browsers. Unfortunately we would not be able to proceed forward on this as defects unique to the customer's environment would fall outside of our support”



  • We work on our local computers... no Citrix or VM involved.

  • Jason P
    Jason P ✭✭✭✭✭

    Suggest you raise a support request


  • This is really not helpful. We are also experiencing this same issue with GANNT showing the first date versus today's date - even when the Gantt timescale settings lists Open to today's date. Why is this functionality not working? It's been on the forum for years.

  • Anybody receive any feedback from Smartsheet on this? This has been an issue WAY longer than last November. I don't think its ever worked for me. Wasn't a big deal till this week when my staff started looking at schedules that span over years.

  • Jason P
    Jason P ✭✭✭✭✭

    hi @Greg Haynes

    See my comment above, 14h Nov 2023 - Font in Italic was Smartsheets responce.


  • Valentin Berlin
    edited 05/07/24

    Answer isn't related to issue
    E.g. I don't have license but it works for me tricky.

    Works as expected for projects where I'm admin

    Doesn't work in projects where I'm not admin

    So, behaviour is different on the same laptop in desktop and web version, but in projects with different permissions.
    Seems RO permission for this setting of project isn't available for non-admin users

  • Estelle Redding
    Estelle Redding ✭✭✭✭

    From what I've seen, the functionality is finicky. I'm the primary person creating our schedules and the only person establishing baselines. I only use my work laptop to access Smartsheet, yet it happens enough to be annoying - Gantt, set to today's date, still randomly displays as of the first date in the WBS. Here we are, 289 calendar days later (per this thread), still asking that this glitch be resolved!

    SmS, I love the Kool-Aid, but perhaps we could address some of the undissolved bits sooner rather than later? 😏