Unparseable error sumifs with cross sheet reference

Hi team,

I cannot get rid of the unparseable error for the following formula. I think the issue is the =[Month]@row and =[Country]@row. I have tried also without the brackets [].

=SUMIFS({EMEA KPI Issues No of EE},{EMEA KPI Issues Category},"vendor missed data",{EMEA KPI Issues Country}, =[Country]@row,{EMEA KPI Issues Month}, =[Month]@row))

I want the formula to sum all numbers mentioned in cross sheet reference column EMEA KPI Issues No of EE when the category is "vendor missed data" (so far it works) and when the cross sheet reference column EMEA KPI Issues Country has the same value as my current sheet column "country". that does not work. Can someone help?

Thanks a lot in advance,


Best Answer

  • Carson Penticuff
    Carson Penticuff ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    You have an extra closing parenthesis on the end, try this:

    =SUMIFS({EMEA KPI Issues No of EE},{EMEA KPI Issues Category},"vendor missed data",{EMEA KPI Issues Country}, =[Country]@row,{EMEA KPI Issues Month}, =[Month]@row)


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