Displaying Upcoming Tasks in a Dashboard


I'm currently exploring the most effective approach for showcasing upcoming tasks scheduled for the next month. The data is organized into three columns on a report (but I have sheet access to the data too): the first column indicates the month of publication (with a subheading or nested section specifying the task to be published), the second column contains the project names, and the third column displays the exact publishing dates.

For confidentiality reasons, the actual names of the tasks have been redacted in the image below.

I am required to present the information neatly and visually on a dashboard, I am considering alternatives beyond a traditional Gantt chart. I want a chart that shows what was published last month, and another to show what is upcoming in the next month. Could you provide suggestions for suitable ideas or functions that I should consider for this purpose?

Thank you very much in advance!


Best Answer

  • John_Foster
    John_Foster ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @FatAtty,

    I do the same with a project dashboard where I show tasks that are due in the next 14 days, as well as those completed in the last 14 days.

    I do this by having two reports that show.

    1. What is coming up based on a due date filter.
    2. What has happened based on a completed date filter.

    Please note that these reports are row reports and not summary reports.

    Within the Dashboard I then add a report widget and link it to the corresponding report.



  • John_Foster
    John_Foster ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @FatAtty,

    I do the same with a project dashboard where I show tasks that are due in the next 14 days, as well as those completed in the last 14 days.

    I do this by having two reports that show.

    1. What is coming up based on a due date filter.
    2. What has happened based on a completed date filter.

    Please note that these reports are row reports and not summary reports.

    Within the Dashboard I then add a report widget and link it to the corresponding report.


  • FatAtty
    FatAtty ✭✭

    Thank you so much for your help John! that is so useful!

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