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Remove "Used in Formula" tooltip

This is just awful. It makes the sheet so cluttered and cumbersome.

Having a setting to toggle these off should be fairly trivial.

11 votes

Idea Submitted · Last Updated


  • It would be great to have the option to disable the "Used in Formula" display. The formula pop up gets in the way of navigating reading content. Lengthens the time taken to do basic functions, which isn't efficient.

  • rford630
    rford630 ✭✭
    edited 06/06/24

    I agree. This pop up is extremely intrusive. Specifically for our general users. They do not need nor do they have access to the back end sheets. When they try to click on an item in the sheet, they have to click elsewhere to move the pop up. Sometime two or three times. There should be an option to turn this functionality off. Even better, to have the option to turn it off except for admins.

  • EagonA
    EagonA ✭✭✭
    edited 06/06/24

    It would be great for users to have the ability to disable the pop-up box that appears with reference/formula information when you hover over a field.

  • kliebal
    edited 06/06/24

    I agree! This pop-up makes it really challenging to work in a Smartsheet filled with data being pulled into other sheets. I accidentally click on the pop up (or worse- the delete link within the pop-up) all the time. It's really frustrating and adds time to my work trying to get around the pop-up. The ability to turn this on/off would be really helpful (even at the admin level).

  • beckyb
    beckyb ✭✭
    edited 06/06/24

    Commenting to boost.

  • beckyb
    beckyb ✭✭

    Commenting to boost.