How to access Core App Path Self-Paced eLearning courses?


I'm a licensed user and preparing for the Core Product Certification Exam (which I have purchased). I prefer the "Core App Path Self-Paced eLearning" as a guided preparation (versus this) but only 1 "welcome" course is showing up on my end:

After completing this course, I clicked "next course" and got this notification:

I'm, of course, signed in, and I couldn't find anything on my homepage.

How can I find and complete the courses in this path?

Best Answer

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee Admin
    Answer ✓

    Hi @j.hung

    Since you're signed in but only seeing the first Welcome course, it looks like your plan may not have eLearning purchased.

    You noted that you purchased the Certification exam (which is exciting! Let us know how you do!) however the eLearning training courses are separate items and would need to be purchased in addition to certification.


