Formula for "Days since" event


Hi There,

I'm looking for some help with a formula for a sheet summary field. I'd like the field to display the number of days since "today" that a checkbox was checked, based off the date entered in that checkbox's row.

Example based off screenshot: "Today" is 12/4/2023. If the checkbox for Row 66 is checked the "Days Since" summary field would return "3". However, if then the checkbox for row 68 is checked, the "Days Since" summary field would update and return "0".

(the Valid PIR Date row is a row I tried based off searching the forums for answers, I'm not sure if it needs to be there or not. The current functionality has an automation set to populate that row with the date when a Valid PIR checkbox is checked.)

Thank you!

Best Answer

  • Zachary Hall
    Zachary Hall ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓


    You should be able to do it in your Sheet Summary with something like:

    • =TODAY()-MAX(COLLECT([Date Received]:[Date Received],[Valid PIR]:[Valid PIR],1))

    Hope this helps!


    Zach Hall

    Training Delivery Manager / Charter Communications


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