Source reports inaccessible from view only dashboard (sheet deleted error)

We have had an embedded dashboard with report widgets operational all year but am now receiving an error when attempting to open the source reports, but only from the view only dashboard. The error says "The sheet you were trying to open has been deleted". The reports still exist, are also published, and can be accessed from the dashboard editor, just not the view only dashboard. What am I missing? I am the owner of the workspace and created all of the sheets, reports, etc. and also receiving this error.


  • Hi @Joel Si

    Can you clarify a few details?

    • When you say "View Only", is this a shared Dashboard with View permissions, or do you mean from the Published view of the Dashboard?
    • In your Report Widgets, what is the Viewer Mode set to?

    How are you trying to open the source report:

    • Are you using the "Open source report to view more" button, or...
    • Is this set as the Widget Behaviour when clicked on?
    • If the latter option, can you double check that the Report is being linked to the Source, versus a different Smartsheet item

    Screen captures would be helpful, but please block out sensitive data.



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  • Joel Si
    Joel Si ✭✭

    Hi Genevieve,

    The underlying report is published as anyone with the link, same as the dashboard. I changed the widget behavior to open the data source, so now when clicking anywhere on the widget from view only the report will open in a new tab. It's just the "Open source report to view more" button that gives me this error. Now when pressing it, the report will open in a new tab because I changed the widget behavior but I still receive this error. I would prefer not to have the whole widget act as a single big button, but that might need to be the solution if there is no fix for this weirdness.

  • Hey @Joel Si

    Thank you for clarifying! I'm in able to replicate what you're seeing, where the "Open source report" button provides an error message instead of going to the source. I will note that this button should bring you to the Report in Smartsheet, not a published link, so your Dashboard viewers would need to be shared to the Report to see the content.

    In any case, this is unexpected, so if it's still happening for you today I would suggest opening a Support ticket. They'll want to see a screen recording of the behaviour and the steps you took to get the error, along with the source report URL and information about the widget type.



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