How To create a revenue summary formula


How can I create a formula where by I have rows containing different projects, their value and the dates they will start and end and create a summary to show in what months will generate what value (assuming the value is divided equally over however many months the project spans)

i.e. Row 1 is Project X with a value of $3,000, Starting 1st january Ending 31st march would contain months 1,2 & 3 (or Jan,Feb & March)

this would then say 'Project X is a total of $3,000 spanning over jan, feb and march meaning if divided equally, Jan will have $1,000, Feb will have $1,000 and March will have $1,000'

Then when I have multiple rows of projects I can extract into a summary which will tell me the total value of all project involved in January, February and so on.

Thankyou in advance!

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