Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Help with dates?

I have a column titled "Effective Date".

I want to have 3 other columns populated based on the date entered in "Effective Date".

1st column: "Period"

2nd column: "Quarter"

3rd column "Fiscal Year".

Our fiscal year begins February 1st and runs through January 31st. Feb = period 1, Mar = period 2, Apr = period 3, etc. Q1 = Feb 1 through Apr 30, Q2 = May 1 through Jul 31, etc.

Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

  • Community Champion
    Answer ✓


    To simplify things we can create another column calling it [CalculatedDate] with the below formula:

    =[Effective Date]@row - (DAY([Effective Date]@row))

    You will then use this column to do all your other calculations, so:

    Fiscal Year: =YEAR(CalculatedDate@row)

    Period: =MONTH(CalculatedDate@row)

    Quarter: ="Q" + ROUNDUP(MONTH(CalculatedDate@row) / 3, 0)


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