HAS with multiple criteria and qualifying checbox

I'm trying to pull data related to only 1 program and not another, then add in whether a check box is ticked. The first part of my formula works:

=COUNTIFS(Program:Program, OR(HAS(@cell, "ECSP & HCW"), HAS(@cell, "ECSP")))

But when I add the second part it becomes unparseable:

=COUNTIFS(Program:Program, OR(HAS(@cell, "ECSP & HCW"), HAS(@cell, "ECSP"))), ([External providers and advocacy groups]:[External providers and advocacy groups], 1))

How can I get this to work so I can see the checkboxes only from the criteria indicated in the initial column?

Best Answer

  • jmyzk_cloudsmart_jp
    jmyzk_cloudsmart_jp Community Champion
    edited 01/15/24 Answer ✓

    Hi @Lily DV

    You have unnecessary parentheses. So, when I removed those, the formula worked.

    Your formula

    =COUNTIFS(Program:Program, OR(HAS(@cell, "ECSP & HCW"), HAS(@cell, "ECSP"))), ([External providers and advocacy groups]:[External providers and advocacy groups], 1))

    My formula

    =COUNTIFS(Program:Program, OR(HAS(@cell, "ECSP & HCW"), HAS(@cell, "ECSP")), [External providers and advocacy groups]:[External providers and advocacy groups], 1)

    In your formula, the COUNTIFS has OR() as a condition. But as you have an extra ")" , the formula considers COUNTIFS finish there.

    Then, the COUNTIFS expect this structure, COUNTIFS(range1, condition1, range2, condition2). But, as you enclose " [External providers and advocacy groups]:[External providers and advocacy groups], 1)" in parentheses, the formula sees this structure, "COUNTIFS(range1, condition1, (range2, condition2))" and considers that you do not provide the condition2. ((range 2, condition2) becomes range2 with the parentheses.)

    I am not sure what you mean by "ECSP & HCW". If you mean to select both ECSP and HCW in the multiple dropdown list, the formula should be the following.

    =COUNTIFS(Program:Program, OR(AND(HAS(@cell, "ECSP"), HAS(@cell, "HCW")), HAS(@cell, "ECSP")), [External providers and advocacy groups]:[External providers and advocacy groups], 1)

    The demo sheet below is editable, so please test how the formula works.


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