Formula that counts # of incidents across a date range


I have a sheet for all incidents in the company that was started in 2023 and now that we're in 2024 I need to update some formulas so it only pulls the data for the current year.

Right now the formula is =COUNTIFS({Incident Type}, [Primary Column]@row) but this doesn't take the date range into consideration.

What should this formula be?



  • Zachary Hall
    Zachary Hall ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    You could update the formula like this:

    • =COUNTIFS({Incident Type}, [Primary Column]@row, {Incident Date}, YEAR(@cell)=2024)


    Zach Hall

    Training Delivery Manager / Charter Communications

  • Jodi C
    Jodi C ✭✭✭

    Thanks, @Zachary Hall!

    On the same sheet, I am pulling the sum of all costs and need it to be based on a date range. what does this look like?

  • Zachary Hall
    Zachary Hall ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Since it is all in the same sheet you could use the formula below, updating your column names to match what they are in your sheet:

    • =SUMIFS([Cost]:[Cost], [Date]:[Date], YEAR(@cell)=2024)


    Zach Hall

    Training Delivery Manager / Charter Communications

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