Counting 3 out of 4 values in multi-select column


I was curious if there is a way to count for 3 out 4 values in a multi-select column using a single formula. For example, there are four values in multi-select: Not started, in progress, blocked, and complete. I want to count if one vendor has any of those values except complete. I am trying to use a formula like this but comes back unparseable.

=COUNTIFS({Work Order Request Tracker Range 1}, CONTAINS("Service Pro", @cell), {Work Order Request Tracker Range 2}, CONTAINS(OR("Not started", @cell),("In progress", @cell),("Blocked", @cell)))

I know I could use a formula like the one below for each value and then calculate the sum of cells, but was curious if there is a more efficient formula. Thanks!

=COUNTIFS({Work Order Request Tracker Range 1}, CONTAINS("Tek Express", @cell), {Work Order Request Tracker Range 2}, CONTAINS("In progress", @cell))

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