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Auto adjust Report Widget height

Sameer Karkhanis
Sameer Karkhanis ✭✭✭✭✭✭

Currently, if the report widget height is set to display 20 rows without scrolling then when the report has only 10 rows the dashboard displays blank space for remainder of 10 rows. The white space in the dashboard, in this scenario, is often complained by our users.

It will be great if Smartsheet can auto adjust the height of the Report Widget based to the number of rows to display if the number of rows to display is less than the set max rows to display widget size without scrolling.

#SaveTheWhiteSpaceOnDashboard 😀😀

60 votes

On Roadmap · Last Updated

We know how valuable this would be - we use dashboards all the time and want report widgets to autosize. While we can't offer a specific timeframe this is on our roadmap!


  • Marc Shecter
    Marc Shecter ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I 100% agree with this idea as I have both ends of the problem you bring up.

    I have a report widget on my dashboard. It is filtered to show each user their assigned tasks. I want it to lengthen (or shorten) to show all their tasks so that there is no need for a scroll bar on long lists, and as Sameer wrote, there's not unneeded whitespace on short lists.

    Auto lengthening or shortening based on number of rows needing to be displayed in a widget is part of other dashboard systems like, Tableau's.

  • Macorne
    Macorne ✭✭✭✭

    I would love to have this, as it would make my life a lot easier. I currently manually size executive reporting and manage 15 dashboards. This takes a lot of time I would love to be using to do other things. For example: we have an active follow up report that lists all of the active follow-up items. When an item closes, it drops off of the report. Thus, the length of the report is constantly changing, which currently results in unnecessary white space.

  • Yuval
    Yuval ✭✭✭
    edited 01/23/24


    I created dashboard with few sheets on it as widgets. I need to present it every morning to the management. But I have issue with these sheets which can be extended and reduced accordingly to data that is added or reduced from these sheets.

    And I need manually to align these widgets and it's frustrating.

    Pls. see # of my dashboard:1160691492120452

    If it could be done automatically it was great, It should be dynamic and automatic

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    edited 01/23/24

    Hi @Yuval

    Can you clarify exactly what type of widget you're using?

    It would be helpful to see screen captures, but please block out sensitive data!



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  • Yuval
    Yuval ✭✭✭
    edited 01/23/24

    Hi Genevieve

    it is shortcut with smartsheet item.

    in my case the green area below is changing when rows are added or removed on the original sheet. And I need to drag manually other items to fit the view and adopt the green area.



  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    edited 01/23/24

    Hi @Yuval

    Thank you for the screen capture, this is really helpful! From this I understand that you're using a Report Widget and that the request is when rows are removed from the Report, the widget automatically gets smaller and all widgets on the Dashboard move to fill in the blank space.

    Based on this I'm merging your request with a related Product Idea.



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    October 8 - 10, Seattle, WA | Register now

  • Yuval
    Yuval ✭✭✭

    Yes Genevieve




  • Hi,

    I am facing the same issue. In Dashboard, report widget's height should auto increase/ decrease as per the rows in the report.

    Please keep me updated once we have this product enhancement in place.

  • Up Vote this please!

  • Up Vote Please - this is a really obvious one… Manual adjustments every single day with multiple people viewing a dashboard with dynamic updates…