Resource Management API - Nag email


One huge feature that's missing from Resource Management is a simple email notification that you have unconfirmed time. I'd like to automate this since it's not included. But a couple things that are confusing:

The APIs for Resource Management are posted, but can you access these APIs from the Smartsheets Python SDK? I searched the docs and there's no reference to "rm" or "resource management". And the documentation is hosted by another entity.

It's hard to find general documentation online because the name "Resource Management" is about a generic as it can get.

So, anyone have information on a Python SDK for Resource Management of have solved the problem of sending a nag email to RM users with unconfirmed time?

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

  • Coin Graham
    Answer ✓

    Answering my own question. There is no python SDK for this. I had to write my own API integration scripts using the python Requests package and the Resource Manager API guidance.

    I'm making a requests to the reports API and pulling all unconfirmed time and collecting those user ids.

    Then I'm making a request to the users and getting all users.

    I reconcile the union to get the email addresses for unconfirmed folks. Now I have to automate emailing them.

    Hopefully more people will use this product so it can get some love from the devs. Notifications is a pretty basic feature to be missing.


  • Coin Graham
    Answer ✓

    Answering my own question. There is no python SDK for this. I had to write my own API integration scripts using the python Requests package and the Resource Manager API guidance.

    I'm making a requests to the reports API and pulling all unconfirmed time and collecting those user ids.

    Then I'm making a request to the users and getting all users.

    I reconcile the union to get the email addresses for unconfirmed folks. Now I have to automate emailing them.

    Hopefully more people will use this product so it can get some love from the devs. Notifications is a pretty basic feature to be missing.

  • Marcela
    Marcela Employee

    Hi, @Coin Graham!

    Glad to hear you were able to figure this out. Thank you for sharing your solution!
