Assistance with Averageif formula

Christina C
Christina C ✭✭
edited 01/30/24 in Formulas and Functions


The formula below was working great until I was asked to add a new requirment where I need to exclude values that are greater than 14 . Otherwise the average is incorrect if greater then 14 "cells" are included. I tried the Averageifs but got lost trying to figure it out so here is my original formulas sans the new requirment. Thanks you for help!

=ROUND(AVERAGEIF([Turnaround Requestor to CSM]:[Turnaround Requestor to CSM], >0, [Turnaround Requestor to CSM]:[Turnaround Requestor to CSM]))



  • brianschmidt
    brianschmidt ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I would recommend using a AVG(COLLECT formula, which will allow you to keep adding conditions for your avg formula as you see fit. Try this...

    =ROUND(AVG(COLLECT([Turnaround Requestor to CSM]:[Turnaround Requestor to CSM], [Turnaround Requestor to CSM]:[Turnaround Requestor to CSM], >0, [Turnaround Requestor to CSM]:[Turnaround Requestor to CSM], NOT(ISBLANK(@cell)))))

    Hope this helps!:)

  • Thanks Brian. I edited my post when you were probably responding. I changed my criteria to greater then 0 but not greater then 14. so basically 1 -14.

    So with this edit it would look like this:

    =ROUND(AVG(COLLECT([Turnaround Requestor to CSM]:[Turnaround Requestor to CSM], [Turnaround Requestor to CSM]:[Turnaround Requestor to CSM], >0, [Turnaround Requestor to CSM]:[Turnaround Requestor to CSM], <15)))))

    Going to give it a try.

  • @brianschmidt

    I tried to following and I am getting the #UNPARSEABLE error.

    =ROUND(AVG(COLLECT([Turnaround Requestor to CSM]:[Turnaround Requestor to CSM], [Turnaround Requestor to CSM]:[Turnaround Requestor to CSM], >0, [Turnaround Requestor to CSM]:[Turnaround Requestor to CSM], <15)))))

    I am new to Avg(Collect) so I must be doing something wrong.

  • @brianschmidt

    TOO many ))!!!

    Working like a charm. Thanks for introducing me to AVG(COLLECT).

    Appreciate your help!

  • brianschmidt
    brianschmidt ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Glad to hear it, and good catch with the "))"s! I think I had so many due to the not(isblank( formula. I love incorporating collect into formulas whenever possible for flexibility to add more conditions later on, even if I only start out with one condition in my formula. Happy Smartsheeting to you:)

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