How to create a master calendar from multiple workstreams

Hello - I'm trying to create a master calendar of tasks. I have 4 different workstreams with different due dates and I want all of the due dates/tasks to display in calendar view so I can see which weeks have a heavier workload than others. Is there a way to do that? If so, how would I organize myself? I'm currently working off of excel and I have 4 different tabs for the different workstreams but it's hard to see the big picture that way. Thank you for any and all advice!


  • Hi @MindyM

    If you wanted it to display as a Calendar View in Smartsheet, I would suggest re-structuring the way the data is displayed. Have one Date column (for the Calendar View to use to display tasks), then have your current column titles (lead trainer) be dropdown options in another column.

    This will make it easier for other views as well. For example, you could then create a Report to filter by dates (e.g. the last 30 days) and Group by the trainer to see a view of each person's workload that month.

    If you need more help or some tips and tricks, I would recommend booking a Pro Desk session since you have access to it. These are 30-minute screen sharing sessions where you can show your current set-up and get some advice. Here's more information: Pro Desk



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