outside of organization

I have a form that gets filled out by sales reps. Sometimes they enter in a different email, one that is outside of our organization. At the end of the form their is an option to check "send me a copy of my responses". If they select this box but did NOT enter in a medline email in the form, is there an option in the settings to not allow this email to go out?


  • Samuel Mueller
    Samuel Mueller Overachievers
    edited 02/07/24

    @JenaW there is not a conditional option. I would turn off the option to ask for an emailed response, and instead create a checkbox question on whether they want to receive an email. Then you can with an automation, evaluate if the email address entered is from medline, and then send an alert with how they answered each question.

  • JenaW
    JenaW ✭✭

    @Samuel Mueller maybe I have this worded wrong. Basically if it is NOT a medline email I don't want it to be able to go out to them. I think that is already the case but I am not sure.

  • Scott Peters
    Scott Peters ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 02/08/24

    Hi @JenaW - I think Sam's reply is still on the right track. Assuming they enter the email addresses into a field called "Email", I recommend you add a column to your sheet (not on the form) called "Domain" that parses the domain of the emails they enter. Column formula = right(email@row, len(email@row)-find("@", email@row)).

    Then, use an automation to send them the copy of their response: When a row is created, condition where the checkbox was checked, and where Domain = Medline.

    Hope that's helpful!

  • JenaW
    JenaW ✭✭
    edited 02/08/24

    @Scott Peters @Samuel Mueller

    But this already happens when someone uses an email that is not medline

    So does that mean that if someone entered in a non medline email and checked off "send me a copy of my responses" they wouldn't receive the email? or would they?

  • Samuel Mueller
    Samuel Mueller Overachievers

    @JenaW They would see the email if they check the box because that is a separate process. If you do not want them to be able to do that you need to turn it off.

    This is in form settings, if you don't want them to be able to send themselves an email, uncheck this box, and then just rely on your automation

  • JenaW
    JenaW ✭✭

    @Samuel Mueller No I do want to keep this as an option. I am just curious if a non Medline email would receive a copy of the form submission.

    The image I attached, non medline emails, they don't work in the workflow because they are not a medline email

  • Samuel Mueller
    Samuel Mueller Overachievers

    If you leave that setting checked, anyone can receive the email. It does not check organization. Only sheet automations will.

  • JenaW
    JenaW ✭✭

    @Samuel Mueller Oh I see. So would I have to setup what Scott Peters suggested?

    Formula and an automation?

  • Samuel Mueller
    Samuel Mueller Overachievers
    edited 02/08/24

    @JenaW exactly. However, you can directly exclude non-Medline emails in the automation, in a condition block, if you don't want to set up a formula. In the condition block you would say email contains @medline.com or whatever it is, then it would only send to emails with that domain.

    If you want a checkbox still to ask if they want an email, you would add that as a question on the form, and add it to the condition block saying it's checked.

  • JenaW
    JenaW ✭✭

    @Scott Peters I looked at your suggestion on adding a column and setting up an automation. Do I have to set up an automation?

    At the bottom of the form they are selecting "send me a copy of my responses" (only should send if it is a Medline email)

  • Scott Peters
    Scott Peters ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @JenaW - Agreeing with Sam, yes. Smartsheet does not give you an ability to limit that checkbox at the bottom of the form to specific domains. You will have to disable that option in the form, and instead create your own checkbox column to ask if people want a copy. Then, create an automation to send them a copy instead of letting the form engine do it.