Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Creating a Formula where there is multiple selections needed.

edited 02/16/24 in Formulas and Functions

Good Morning Smartsheet Community. I have been struggling with these formulas for a few weeks now and decided to finally reach out for some help.

I am trying to make 2 formulas but there is a part of the formula where I need to reference 2 options in the same drop down. I think I am tripping myself up when it is having to get both of those options.

This is the formula I am kind of working on at the moment but I am getting the #UNPARSEABLE.

=SUMIFS({Deliverables}, {Fiscal Year}, HAS(@cell, "FY24"), {Fiscal Quarter}, HAS(@cell "Q1"), {Work Type}, (HAS(@cell, "New"), HAS(@cell, "Revision")))

The work type is the section I think I am running into my issue.

Any and all help is greatly appreciated!



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