Multi-select dropdown into multiple rows


I have multi-select dropdown column. (Data will be entered via form and there will some approval automation.) I have two questions. Is it possible to select individual items within the multi-select options. I was planning to use some kind of delimiter within the options and use index but wondering if there is a more built-in function.

The other more involved question is whether there is a method to take an item within the multi-selection option and then generate a new row within the sheet or another sheet. (I have to eventually export the sheet contents into a different database and it would be easier if each response had its own respective row. There is a preference of using the multi-select dropdown instead of multiple columns or addtional forms.

Here's what I'm trying to do:

Row Column 1 (multi-select dropdown)

Row 1 A, B, C, D

into something like this in another sheet

Row 1 A

Row 2 B

Row 3 C

Row 4 D

thanks in advance, -patrick.


  • KPH
    KPH ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    To answer your first question, there is a function for this, you do not need to add delimiters. Take a look at the HAS function

    For your second question, you could use an index match and the HAS function to return cells in separate rows based on the single row added by the form. These won’t be copies but will dynamically refer to the original. You could then use an automation to copy them.

  • Sunil Kadikar
    Sunil Kadikar ✭✭✭
    edited 04/17/24

    I'm trying to do this same thing, but don't understand how this would work "you could use an index match and the HAS function to return cells in separate rows based on the single row added by the form"

    Would you be able to explain this step-by-step? Thanks for any help you can provide,

  • KPH
    KPH ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    I was going to ask for more details about your use case but I see another thread from you that sounds the same, so I will respond over there.

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