Automated Allocation - based on selected attributes

Hello Smartheads!

I have a pretty interesting use-case.

Columns look like in the screeen below:

E Entry Number - values can duplicate

Desired outcome:

Trigger: Auditor selects her/his user ID in column C Audotor in a row.


After changing one row, the same user ID will be populated in Auditor column, if ENTRY NUMBER IS THE SAME.


I assume that it would require additional column with auditor id:

1) open for user to appy changes

2) locked with final results

Looking forward to hearing from you!

In case of any questions, please let me know!





  • Hi @Romano el Polako

    I don't believe there is a way to do this at the moment in one column - this is because I assume you need to both manually select an Auditor (for the initial non-duplicate) as well as have it auto-populate, is that correct?

    There currently isn't a workflow that can copy a cell from within the same sheet to another cell based on a criteria. You can automatically assign someone to a row, but we would need specific criteria spelled out in the automation (e.g. the exact Entry Number listed every time).

    A formula would need to be in every single cell, so you couldn't both use a formula and manually enter data.

    You could potentially have 2 columns:

    • Manual entry column
    • and Current column with a formula

    This formula column would reference your manual entry column to see if there's a value for the current Entry Number and duplicate it on any rows with that Entry Number.

    This is an example formula referencing a "Manual" entry column:

    =IFERROR(INDEX(COLLECT([C Auditor Manual Column]:[C Auditor Manual Column], [C Auditor Manual Column]:[C Auditor Manual Column], <> "", [E Entry Number]:[E Entry Number], [E Entry Number]@row), 1), "")

    Does that make sense?



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  • You could do this with a lookup sheet — but on the sheet you are referencing, you'd have to put in the email address instead of the contact name because it will pull through with only the text from that field.

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