Sumifs error formula when summing duration time

Graeme Baxter
Graeme Baxter ✭✭✭
edited 03/05/24 in Formulas and Functions

HI, I have a metric sheet where it is comparing to see person exists on another sheet and if so calculate the durations assigned against all their tasks.

I get an #UNPARSEABLE in the formula that I cant figure out. Can anyone advise?

=SUMIFS({Michael Johnson Assigned to}, [IT Personnel w no Email]@row, {Michael Johnson duration}, >1)

This is my target sheet

This is my source sheet


Best Answer

  • DKazatsky2
    DKazatsky2 ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Graeme Baxter,

    Try changing your formula to this: =SUMIFS({Michael Johnson duration}, {Michael Johnson Assigned to}, [IT Personnel w no Email]@row, {Michael Johnson duration}, @cell > 1)

    I am assuming you are failing on {Duration} because you don't have that as a reference.

    Hope this helps,



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