Multiple dates in a single sheet

I am having trouble tracking my project due to frequent date changes. Can I track the original and actual start/end dates?


  • Hi Dolley,

    I track Target Start and End dates vs current Start and End dates, then include variance calculations to show differences between that baseline date and the current date.

    1. To start - add two columns to the plan. "Target Start" and "Target End"
    2. Then add If not already in your plan.
    3. "Schedule Delta (%)", Formula =IFERROR([Schedule Delta (Working Days)]@row / Duration@row, "")
    4. "Schedule Delta (Working Days)", Formula =IFERROR(IF([End Date]@row = [Target End Date]@row, 0, IF([End Date]@row > [Target End Date]@row, NETWORKDAYS([Target End Date]@row, [End Date]@row) - 1, IF([End Date]@row < [Target End Date]@row, NETWORKDAYS([Target End Date]@row, [End Date]@row) + 1, ""))), "")
    5. "Days", Formula =NETWORKDAY([Start Date]@row, [End Date]@row)
    6. "%", =Days@row / (SUMIF(Level:Level, ="", Days:Days))
    7. "Variance" =[Target End Date]@row - [End Date]@row
    8. Those formulas combined with a Shedule Health formula will give you overall health indicators as well as line item indicators of the plans's progress.

    For instance, I can see at the line item a task is behind the original schedule, but at the milestone level, we are still on track for the original date and at the project level, the schedule health is Green.

    I hope this helps you! -Jeff

  • Dolley
    Dolley ✭✭

    @Paul Newcome not yet, but will be happy to dive into it. Thanks for the suggestion

  • Dolley
    Dolley ✭✭

    @Jeff J Johnson thanks for the breakdown. I will try it out and get back to you with any feedback.