Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Issue with using formula to count rows in sheet that do not contain certain text

=COUNTIFS({All Deals Input (Master) Range 1}, $[Primary Column]@row, {All Deals Input (Master) Range 2}, [IDR In Process]$2, NOT(CONTAINS(OR("Kill but Follow", "On Hold"))) + COUNTIFS({All Deals Input (Master) Range 3}, $[Primary Column]@row, {All Deals Input (Master) Range 2}, [IDR In Process]$2, NOT(CONTAINS(OR("Kill but Follow", "On Hold"))) + COUNTIFS({All Deals Input (Master) Range 4}, $[Primary Column]@row, {All Deals Input (Master) Range 2}, [IDR In Process]$2, NOT(CONTAINS(OR("Kill but Follow", "On Hold"))) + COUNTIFS({All Deals Input (Master) Range 5}, $[Primary Column]@row, {All Deals Input (Master) Range 2}, [IDR In Process]$2, NOT(CONTAINS(OR("Kill but Follow", "On Hold")))))))

The issue is with the 'NOT(CONTAINS(OR("Kill but Follow", "On Hold")' argument as the fomula worked before I tried to exclude these two phrases. It looks like I am doing the "contains" function wrong. Open to any ideas on how to exclude counting cells with certain phrases in them. Thanks.



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