Cross sheet AI formulas


Has anyone tried to develop cross-sheet formulas with AI?

How do you reference another sheet in an AI instruction? Is that possible?



  • Dakota Haeffner
    Dakota Haeffner ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 03/09/24

    The AI tool within Smartsheets doesn't seem to be capable of doing this yet, only inter sheet references. I tried the same thing with ChatGPT before it was release and was hoping the Smartsheets tool would take it into consideration but nothing yet. Fingers crossed for future releases!

    In the meantime, I would use the AI tool, or any AI tool for that matter, as a starting point. Prompt it with internal references and then replace them with external sheet references.

  • Davide Laghi

    Thank you very much, sir, truly appreciated (and a good suggestion).

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