
Good afternoon,

I have been getting #INCORRECT ARGUMENT SET error when using this formula:

=IF(AND(Category@row = "Demo account"; [Custumised timeframe]@row = "No"); Submission@row + 30; ""; IF(Category@row = "Content contributor"; [Estimated Editing end date]@row; IF(AND(Category@row = "External supplier"; [Custumised timeframe]@row = "No"); Submission@row + 244; ""; IF(Category@row = "Cambridge Endorsement Partner"; [Access end-date]@row; IF(Category@row = "IB Org User"; [Lifetime end date]@row))))))

Is there anything I am not noticing that should be changed or added? Is it too much for one cell/column?

Thank you in advance!



  • Courtney S.
    Courtney S. ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 03/15/24

    I'm not sure if this is the complete answer, but one thing to correct - I think you should be using commas inside your IF / AND functions, not semicolons:

    AND Function | Smartsheet Learning Center

    IF Function | Smartsheet Learning Center

  • Hi Courtney,

    Thank you for your reply!

    I tried to change them to comas and checked that all column names are correct, but I get the same error.

  • Jason Tarpinian
    Jason Tarpinian ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Courtney is correct with the commas versus semi-colons. Also, your IF statements are concluding twice before I think you mean them to. Shown below, the Yellow is your logic for two IF statements, the Green the true, and Red the false.

    The formula technically ends at that first red highlight, that's where your #INCORRECT ARGUMENT SET is coming from. I imagine that maybe your false statements are supposed to just be the next IF statements? If that's the case, remove the two false values in red and you should be good to go.

    =IF(AND(Category@row = "Demo account", [Custumised timeframe]@row = "No"), Submission@row + 30, IF(Category@row = "Content contributor", [Estimated Editing end date]@row, IF(AND(Category@row = "External supplier", [Custumised timeframe]@row = "No"), Submission@row + 244, IF(Category@row = "Cambridge Endorsement Partner", [Access end-date]@row, IF(Category@row = "IB Org User", [Lifetime end date]@row)))))

    Jason Tarpinian - Sevan Technology

    Smartsheet Aligned Partner

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