Sheet creation using Excel - Date Column

Good Morning,

I will be creating a number of sheets using an Excel import and would like the column type to import as Date. I have tried a couple of different ways to make this happen such as change the cell format, make the entire column date etc. but with every import I default back to Text/Number. Anyone have any thoughts before I have to change every column by hand for every sheet created?




  • SmartWay360
    SmartWay360 ✭✭✭✭


    This is perhaps workaround, but you can create automation that will copy new lines to another sheet with the same data. This you can configure as you wish - create date format of the column, ..



  • Sorry, maybe I wasn't clear. I need the column type to be Date so I do not have to manually change the type after import. I have a formula that returns a date and without the column being set to the correct type I get an error.