How to showing both Contact name and email when exporting to excel or report from Contact list cell

I am trying to export a Smartsheet tracking sheet for an audit request, when I do the contact cells displays the person name only. Can I export showing both the name and the email address?

Best Answer

  • brianschmidt
    brianschmidt ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓


    As you noticed, Smartsheet seems to be a bit odd in this sense. When you copy a contact cell and paste it into a text cell, it does actually show name and email in the way that I think you're looking for. So, one option before exporting could be to highlight all the cells in your contact column and paste them into corresponding cells all at once in a text column...and then exporting the document from there.

    However, trying to translate emails from contact cells using formulas or automation does not work. Some people suggest having a separate contact sheet with all name and emails that you can use an INDEX(MATCH, INDEX(COLLECT, or VLOOKUP formula. The catch here is that all possible contacts in the sheet you're working in would need to be represented in that contact reference sheet.

    Another option is to Publish the sheet. This allows whoever the published link is given to the ability to hover over contact cells and see email information. The catch here is that it allows the viewer to see the sheet as it is updated as opposed to a "one-time snapshot" of sorts.

    Hope this helps some!


  • brianschmidt
    brianschmidt ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓


    As you noticed, Smartsheet seems to be a bit odd in this sense. When you copy a contact cell and paste it into a text cell, it does actually show name and email in the way that I think you're looking for. So, one option before exporting could be to highlight all the cells in your contact column and paste them into corresponding cells all at once in a text column...and then exporting the document from there.

    However, trying to translate emails from contact cells using formulas or automation does not work. Some people suggest having a separate contact sheet with all name and emails that you can use an INDEX(MATCH, INDEX(COLLECT, or VLOOKUP formula. The catch here is that all possible contacts in the sheet you're working in would need to be represented in that contact reference sheet.

    Another option is to Publish the sheet. This allows whoever the published link is given to the ability to hover over contact cells and see email information. The catch here is that it allows the viewer to see the sheet as it is updated as opposed to a "one-time snapshot" of sorts.

    Hope this helps some!

  • Kelly Dawson
    Kelly Dawson ✭✭✭✭


    Thank you this does help, I will see which option works the best for what we were doing.
