Only Show Row if Data is in Specific Columns in a Report



We have project names, resources, and project managers all listed on the same row with the hours worked on particular days. I'd like to build a report, or a sheet that only shows rows if hours are listed past a certain point, meaning only show rows that have hours listed in the date columns. This will eliminate a lot of unneeded data. Could I use a helper column or a formula to accomplish this?

Best Answer

  • brianschmidt
    brianschmidt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I think there are a couple of ways you could accomplish this. In the sheet, you could create a helper checkbox column with the following column formula:

    =IF(ISBLANK(JOIN([Leftmost Date Range Column]@row:[Rightmost Date Range Column]@row)), 1, 0)

    Then, you can filter your report to filter out the rows with this checkmark.

    Alternatively, you can create filters in the report that say "If [Date Range Column] is not blank" or "If [Other Date Range Column] is not blank" and so on and so forth. However, depending on the number of date range columns you have in the sheet and how often these columns are added, this becomes too tedious to be a very efficient solution. I would opt for option 1.

    Hope this helps!:)


  • brianschmidt
    brianschmidt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I think there are a couple of ways you could accomplish this. In the sheet, you could create a helper checkbox column with the following column formula:

    =IF(ISBLANK(JOIN([Leftmost Date Range Column]@row:[Rightmost Date Range Column]@row)), 1, 0)

    Then, you can filter your report to filter out the rows with this checkmark.

    Alternatively, you can create filters in the report that say "If [Date Range Column] is not blank" or "If [Other Date Range Column] is not blank" and so on and so forth. However, depending on the number of date range columns you have in the sheet and how often these columns are added, this becomes too tedious to be a very efficient solution. I would opt for option 1.

    Hope this helps!:)

  • justin.edge
    edited 03/22/24

    That first formula worked, Brian! Thank you so much!

  • brianschmidt
    brianschmidt ✭✭✭✭✭

    Glad to hear it!