Vlookup from another sheet

I need to create a vlookup formula that tallies up the total number of times a certain value shows up in a chart under someones specific name from a separate sheet. Right now the formula is giving me a value but it is a random name from 1 column.

This is the chart that I am referencing: For example I am needing my vlookup to tell me that Robert Mason has "AI forecasting" listed 9 times, and CSK KDS listed 2 times and so on.

this is the chart that I am trying to put the vlookup formula into to return that information. but my formula is currently not populating any return value.

This is the formula that I have right now: =VLOOKUP([Primary Column]@row, {VPO Testing Chart Range 3}, 4, true)

Not sure how to pull in this information needed - I also do not have the function to do a pivot table.


  • heyjay
    heyjay ✭✭✭✭✭

    You will probably need to use the function COUNTIFS() in your case.

    Robert Mason =

    [Primary Column]:[Primary Column],[Primary Column]@row,
    {AI Forecasting},[Column7]1


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