Getting Same Resutl with Slightly Different COUNTIF

NickBlocker ✭✭✭
edited 03/28/24 in Formulas and Functions

Hi Guru's,

I run the below formula and it gives me the correct number however; I modify the formula to look at another range however; I get the same result as the first formula minus the 2nd range.

1st formula

=COUNTIFS([Operational Priority]:[Operational Priority], ="🔶", Status:Status, "In Progress") + COUNTIFS(Status:Status, "On Hold") + COUNTIFS(Status:Status, "Clarification") + COUNTIFS(Status:Status, "Pending Assignment") + COUNTIFS(Status:Status, "Possible Risk") + COUNTIFS(Status:Status, "Late") + COUNTIFS(Status:Status, "Not Started")

2nd formula

=COUNTIFS([Operational Priority]:[Operational Priority], "🔶", [Line of Business]:[Line of Business], "Provider Services", =COUNTIFS([Operational Priority]:[Operational Priority], ="1", Status:Status, "In Progress") + COUNTIFS(Status:Status, "On Hold") + COUNTIFS(Status:Status, "Clarification") + COUNTIFS(Status:Status, "Pending Assignment") + COUNTIFS(Status:Status, "Possible Risk") + COUNTIFS(Status:Status, "Late") + COUNTIFS(Status:Status, "Not Started")

Nick Blocker - Analytics Adventurer


Best Answer

  • NickBlocker
    NickBlocker ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    @Lucas Rayala I was able to fingure this solution out on my own using the @cell syntax. The formula that I ended with is below which I was able to validate using Excel piviot tables:

    =COUNTIFS([Operational Priority]:[Operational Priority], ="🔶", Status:Status, OR(@cell = "In Progress", @cell = "Not Started", @cell = "Pending Assignment", @cell = "Clarification", @cell = "Late", @cell = "Possible Risk"))

    I do appreacte your help and attention to my questions.

    Nick Blocker - Analytics Adventurer


  • Lucas Rayala
    Lucas Rayala Community Champion

    Your second formula has a formatting error in it at “=COUNTIFS([Operational Priority]:”

    This lands in the middle of another COUNTIFS, in what is supposed to be a range.

  • NickBlocker
    NickBlocker ✭✭✭

    @Lucas Rayala Thank you for replying. After I corrected the formula and added in the "=" I am still encoutering issues. I get a result of 68 when it should be 39

    In Progress = 5

    Not Started = 8

    Pending Assignment = 14

    Adjusted Formula

    =COUNTIFS([Operational Priority]:[Operational Priority], ="🔶", [Line of Business]:[Line of Business], "Provider Services", Status:Status, "In Progress") + COUNTIFS(Status:Status, "On Hold") + COUNTIFS(Status:Status, "Clarification") + COUNTIFS(Status:Status, "Pending Assignment") + COUNTIFS(Status:Status, "Possible Risk") + COUNTIFS(Status:Status, "Late") + COUNTIFS(Status:Status, "Not Started")

    I get the correct result using the below formula however; once you add in a "+ COUNTIFS" it gives you the incorrect result

    =COUNTIFS([Operational Priority]:[Operational Priority], ="🔶", [Line of Business]:[Line of Business], "Provider Services", Status:Status, "In Progress")

    Nick Blocker - Analytics Adventurer

  • NickBlocker
    NickBlocker ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    @Lucas Rayala I was able to fingure this solution out on my own using the @cell syntax. The formula that I ended with is below which I was able to validate using Excel piviot tables:

    =COUNTIFS([Operational Priority]:[Operational Priority], ="🔶", Status:Status, OR(@cell = "In Progress", @cell = "Not Started", @cell = "Pending Assignment", @cell = "Clarification", @cell = "Late", @cell = "Possible Risk"))

    I do appreacte your help and attention to my questions.

    Nick Blocker - Analytics Adventurer

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