Formula error

What is wrong with my formula? =COUNTIF({3P2F_status_2024 Range 1}, "737")

I don't get any error message but it's not counting how many "737" I have?


  • Gillian C
    Gillian C Overachievers

    Could you share an example of the range you have included in the formula? Without seeing that it is hard to understand if there is an issue with the formula.

  • Nick Korna
    Nick Korna âś­âś­âś­âś­âś­âś­

    Hi @Leighmercado,

    If you're just looking for the number 737, you don't need the speech marks (" ") around it, making your formula:

    =COUNTIF({3P2F_status_2024 Range 1}, 737)

    There are a few other options (you're looking for it as part of a multi-select dropdown, for example), but let us know what the situation is and can tailor the formula as needed!

  • Anjanesh Vaidya
    Anjanesh Vaidya âś­âś­âś­âś­âś­

    Hi Leighmercado,

    I think that the range that you have selected stores the numeric value as strings so I would suggest that convert them as values with the =VALUE function and then see if it starts reflecting.


    Anjanesh Vaidya

    Smartsheet Development, Ignatiuz Software

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  • Leighmercado
    Leighmercado âś­âś­

    Thank you all! unfortunately, none of this worked for me. the range is a helper column so there's a formula in there:

  • Gillian C
    Gillian C Overachievers
    edited 04/05/24

    Hi @Leighmercado

    You could try changing your helper column to = IF(CONTAINS("737",Model@row),1,0)

    This will add a 1 if 737 is contained within the Model String and 0 if it doesn't, then instead of Countif, you can use

    = Sum([Model2]:[Model2])

    This would be a Column Formula and will give you the total number in the column.

    However, if you want to have a count incrementally down your column you can use a cell formula

    = Sum([Model2]$1:[Model2]@row) and drag the formula to the end of your data.

    Hope this gives you a way forward.

  • Leighmercado
    Leighmercado âś­âś­

    @Gillian C i tried this but i dont just need "737" i have a few models that i need to add.

  • Gillian C
    Gillian C Overachievers
    edited 04/05/24

    Hi @Leighmercado

    It took a bit of trial and error but try changing your helper column formula to

    =VALUE(LEFT(Model@row, 3))

    And then your Countif should work!

  • Leighmercado
    Leighmercado âś­âś­

    @Gillian C That worked! thank you so much!!

    I have one more formula that Im trying to figure out! Hopefully you can help again! :)

    =SUMIF({Unenrolled MSN Range 1}, "1", {Unenrolled MSN Range 2}, "2024", {Unenrolled MSN Range 4})

    range 4 is a dollar value that Im trying to sum but getting #incorrect argument

  • Gillian C
    Gillian C Overachievers
    edited 04/05/24


    I haven't tried this in my own worksheet, but I think you need

    = SUMIFS({Unenrolled MSN Range 4}, {Unenrolled MSN Range 1},"1",{Unenrolled MSN Range 2}, "2024")

    ...your formula has two ranges and two criterion, therefore a SUMIFS rather than SUMIF...which changes the arrangement of the formula

  • Leighmercado
    Leighmercado âś­âś­

    ok, now i dont get an error message but its not adding it up.

  • Leighmercado
    Leighmercado âś­âś­

    actually, nevermind, it was my mistake in my range!

    Thank you @Gillian C! have a good weekend!

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