Visual Status Bar based on drop down criteria


Hello everyone,

I need your help in creating a formula that checks against the drop-down menu of a column and then returns a visual bar or symbol based on that drop-down.

Example: Select Outline created in the status, the output into another column would be X-----

Second example: Draft complete is in the status and the output into the other column would be


Best Answer

  • JJM
    Answer ✓

    Please mark this as closed I found the formula

    =IF(Status@row = "Cancelled", " - - - - - - ", IF(Status@row = "On Hold", " - - - - - -", IF(Status@row = "Idea Approved", " X - - - - - ", IF(Status@row = "Outline Complete", " - X - - - - ", IF(Status@row = "1st Draft Complete", " - - X - - - ", IF(Status@row = "2nd Draft Complete", " - - - X - - ", IF(Status@row = "Final Draft Complete", "- - - - X - ", IF(Status@row = "Published", "- - - - - X "))))))))


  • JJM
    Answer ✓

    Please mark this as closed I found the formula

    =IF(Status@row = "Cancelled", " - - - - - - ", IF(Status@row = "On Hold", " - - - - - -", IF(Status@row = "Idea Approved", " X - - - - - ", IF(Status@row = "Outline Complete", " - X - - - - ", IF(Status@row = "1st Draft Complete", " - - X - - - ", IF(Status@row = "2nd Draft Complete", " - - - X - - ", IF(Status@row = "Final Draft Complete", "- - - - X - ", IF(Status@row = "Published", "- - - - - X "))))))))

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee Admin

    Hey @JJM

    Thanks for posting your solution! 🙂

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