How do I convert a formula percentage collum into the next collum as a colored status collum?

edited 04/12/24 in Formulas and Functions

Percentage of bug 100% appears as red in the next collum but yellow and green won't appear.

Goal is-

100% red,

50% yellow,

25% green

This is the current formula I'm trying to input.

=IF([Percentage Of Bug]@row = 1, "Red")=IF([Percentage Of Bug]3<0.5,"Yellow", =IF([Percentage Of Bug]7<0.25,"Green"

Error Message

The collum formula syntax isn't quite right, see our help article.

Best Answer

  • dylan.j
    Answer ✓

    Thank you for your help and guidance i was successfully able to complete it how i would of liked with this function, thank you once again.

    =IF([Percentage Of Bug]@row >.4, "Red", IF([Percentage Of Bug]@row >.3, "Yellow", "Green"))


  • KPH
    KPH Community Champion


    =IF([Percentage Of Bug]@row = 1, "Red", IF([Percentage Of Bug]@row < 0.5, "Yellow", IF([Percentage Of Bug]7 < 0.25, "Green")))

    You need to nest the IF statements within each other (like Russian dolls) not following each other with = signs. So you make the IF statement for Red and then in the position for the value_if_false instead of a value you put the next IF statement to be evaluated.

    In other words, if the options were red for 100% and blue for not 100% the formula would be:

    =IF([Percentage Of Bug]@row = 1, "Red","Blue")

    You can swap out the part in bold for another IF to be performed.

    Here it would be Red for 100% and if that isn't true, then Yellow for less than 50% and Purple for anything that is neither of those things.

    =IF([Percentage Of Bug]@row = 1, "Red", IF([Percentage Of Bug]@row < 0.5, "Yellow", "Purple"))

    Then you replace Purple with another IF.

    I think the error message is because you are trying to create a column formula but referencing specific row numbers: [Percentage Of Bug]3 and [Percentage Of Bug]7. I don't think you are looking to do that so changed all the references to the current row.

  • dylan.j
    Answer ✓

    Thank you for your help and guidance i was successfully able to complete it how i would of liked with this function, thank you once again.

    =IF([Percentage Of Bug]@row >.4, "Red", IF([Percentage Of Bug]@row >.3, "Yellow", "Green"))

  • KPH
    KPH Community Champion

    That's awesome! I like what you've done to change the goals. More than 40% is now red, 30-40% is yellow and less than 30% is green. Now you can nest IFs you can do (almost) anything!

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