Count is not blank

I am creating a sheet summary. I would like it to count only those in January and my column range cells are not blank. I feel like I am so close.

=COUNTIFS([Audit Month 2]:[Audit Month 2], "January", NOT(ISBLANK([Test Issue 1]:[Test Issue 4])))


Best Answer

  • DKazatsky2
    DKazatsky2 Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Joey135,

    There are 2 possible formulas depending on what you are looking for.

    1) If you want the column counted only if ALL Test Issue cells are not blank, use the following.

    =COUNTIFS([Audit Month 2]:[Audit Month 2], "January", [Test Issue 1]:[Test Issue 1], NOT(ISBLANK(@cell)), [Test Issue 2]:[Test Issue 2], NOT(ISBLANK(@cell)), [Test Issue 3]:[Test Issue 3], NOT(ISBLANK(@cell)), [Test Issue 4]:[Test Issue 4], NOT(ISBLANK(@cell)))

    2) If you want to count each column that has a Test Issue not blank, regardless of the others in that row, use the following.

    =COUNTIFS([Audit Month 2]:[Audit Month 2], "January", [Test Issue 1]:[Test Issue 1], NOT(ISBLANK(@cell))) + COUNTIFS([Audit Month 2]:[Audit Month 2], "January", [Test Issue 2]:[Test Issue 2], NOT(ISBLANK(@cell))) + COUNTIFS([Audit Month 2]:[Audit Month 2], "January", [Test Issue 3]:[Test Issue 3], NOT(ISBLANK(@cell))) + COUNTIFS([Audit Month 2]:[Audit Month 2], "January", [Test Issue 4]:[Test Issue 4], NOT(ISBLANK(@cell)))

    I suspect you want #2.

    Hope this helps,



  • DKazatsky2
    DKazatsky2 Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Joey135,

    There are 2 possible formulas depending on what you are looking for.

    1) If you want the column counted only if ALL Test Issue cells are not blank, use the following.

    =COUNTIFS([Audit Month 2]:[Audit Month 2], "January", [Test Issue 1]:[Test Issue 1], NOT(ISBLANK(@cell)), [Test Issue 2]:[Test Issue 2], NOT(ISBLANK(@cell)), [Test Issue 3]:[Test Issue 3], NOT(ISBLANK(@cell)), [Test Issue 4]:[Test Issue 4], NOT(ISBLANK(@cell)))

    2) If you want to count each column that has a Test Issue not blank, regardless of the others in that row, use the following.

    =COUNTIFS([Audit Month 2]:[Audit Month 2], "January", [Test Issue 1]:[Test Issue 1], NOT(ISBLANK(@cell))) + COUNTIFS([Audit Month 2]:[Audit Month 2], "January", [Test Issue 2]:[Test Issue 2], NOT(ISBLANK(@cell))) + COUNTIFS([Audit Month 2]:[Audit Month 2], "January", [Test Issue 3]:[Test Issue 3], NOT(ISBLANK(@cell))) + COUNTIFS([Audit Month 2]:[Audit Month 2], "January", [Test Issue 4]:[Test Issue 4], NOT(ISBLANK(@cell)))

    I suspect you want #2.

    Hope this helps,


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