I need the Form to populate information to different sheets in Smartsheet

Hello Smartsheet community,

Could you please advice, I need the Form to populate information to different sheets in Smartsheet depending on the dropdown menu choice. For example, there is a new project enquiry form, depending on the department choice information should be populated to the appropriate department's sheet.

I do not know how should I set up the form or if there is another way around to be able to achieve it.

Thank you.

Have a great day.

Best Answer

  • KPH
    KPH Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Oleksiy Yefimov

    You can only populate one sheet from the form. But you can automatically move the row from the sheet into a different sheet based on the department.

    So sheet 1 will have all your columns and your form. You can call it something like Intake Sheet.

    Then you will create empty sheets for each department. You don't even need to add any columns.

    On sheet 1 you can add an automation to Move Rows when new rows are added. Use the Conditions to specify if the department choice in the drop down is department A move the rows to the sheet for department A, if B move to the sheet for B, etc.

    Then test it out and watch the magic as your department sheets populate.


  • KPH
    KPH Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Oleksiy Yefimov

    You can only populate one sheet from the form. But you can automatically move the row from the sheet into a different sheet based on the department.

    So sheet 1 will have all your columns and your form. You can call it something like Intake Sheet.

    Then you will create empty sheets for each department. You don't even need to add any columns.

    On sheet 1 you can add an automation to Move Rows when new rows are added. Use the Conditions to specify if the department choice in the drop down is department A move the rows to the sheet for department A, if B move to the sheet for B, etc.

    Then test it out and watch the magic as your department sheets populate.

  • Hi @KPH

    Thanks a lot for your advice! I currently use your method and it does work!

    Have a nice day!


  • KPH
    KPH Community Champion

    That's great Oleksiy, I'm really pleased you have it working. Thanks for letting me know.

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