How can I convert this column into a date with the format MM/DD/YYYY?

I used the formula - =(([Hire Date]@row - [Term Date]@row) / 365) / 12


  • KPH
    KPH Community Champion

    What would the date be? If you subtract a date from a date you are left with a number of days. Dividing the number of days by 365 gives you a fraction of a year. I'm not sure what the dividing by 12 does. What date would you expect -0.09018 to be?

  • I tried to play around with the formula and divided it by 12 because I was expecting 1 year to display based on the date range. For example, 4/1/23 to 5/1/23 should reflect 1 month. Thanks!

  • KPH
    KPH Community Champion

    When you subtract one date from another, the result will be in days.

    So 5/1/23 minus 4/1/23 will equal 30.

    When you say you want it in MM/DD/YYYY format, how would it be displayed? Can you give a few examples?

    5/1/23 minus 4/1/23 would be ....

    5/1/23 minus 4/30/23 would be ...

    5/1/23 minus 3/1/23 would be ...

    8/1/23 minus 4/30/23 would be ...

    1/1/23 minus 1/1/24 would be ...

    1/1/23 minus 1/1/25 would be ...

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