Is there a way to reference the value in a cell as a numerical value that functions in a formula

Hi Community,

I have a 13 week rolling chart. To gather, I have groups like this one below for each of the thirteen weeks. this one shows 10. Is there a way to change the value for the weeks ago portion (in red boxes below) to be a value in another cell? In other words, I could reference the 10 in the red box on the far right and this formula would update to be -10 so it's 10 weeks ago. Then I could just repeat for the other 12 weeks. (Ignore the -5 in the formula, I was in the middle of changing this one from 5 weeks ago to 10 weeks ago and had this thought)

Best Answer

  • KPH
    KPH Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hi @EEK

    You can put the value in the same row, over to the right, and use the reference [Column name]@row instead of the fixed number 10

    Or if you put it on a different row, you can use the row number instead of @row and a $ to fix the row so if you drag the formula to other rows, it still refers to 15.


  • KPH
    KPH Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hi @EEK

    You can put the value in the same row, over to the right, and use the reference [Column name]@row instead of the fixed number 10

    Or if you put it on a different row, you can use the row number instead of @row and a $ to fix the row so if you drag the formula to other rows, it still refers to 15.

  • EEK
    EEK ✭✭✭✭

    @KPH you are an angel. I tried this before and I couldn't get it to work. Not sure what you've done differently, but it worked immediately. You've saved me from myself.

  • KPH
    KPH Community Champion

    Thanks for letting me know, always happy to help!

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