"Hello SmartSheet Community. I am trying to capture weekly data amounts based on specific date range

"Hello SmartSheet Community. I am trying to capture weekly data amounts based on specific date range referencing another sheet. I thought this formula would work but keep getting back an error. =COUNTIFS({ACF Conferencing Request Assigned Host and Tech}, CONTAINS("Alexander Tsehay", @cell), {ACF Conferencing Request Date}, >=DATE(2024, 4, 1), {ACF Conferencing Request Date}, <=DATE(2024, 4, 7)) Comes back with #INCORRECT ARGUMENT SET"

Does anyone know how to fix?


  • Gia Thinh
    Gia Thinh Community Champion

    Try this one by add @cell to your formula:

    =COUNTIFS({ACF Conferencing Request Assigned Host and Tech}, CONTAINS("Alexander Tsehay", @cell), {ACF Conferencing Request Date}, @cell>=DATE(2024, 4, 1), {ACF Conferencing Request Date}, @cell<=DATE(2024, 4, 7))

    Hope it works for you.

    Gia Thinh Technology - Smartsheet Solution Partner.
    Email : thinh.huynh@giathinh.tech

  • @Gia Thinh I am still getting INCORRECT ARGUMENT. I really since that I am just one step away from getting this to work. Does anyone have any suggestions?

  • KPH
    KPH Community Champion

    Hi @Damion Jackson

    You have two ranges in your COUNTIFS:

    {ACF Conferencing Request Assigned Host and Tech}

    {ACF Conferencing Request Date}

    Can you check both ranges are the same size and shape (ie the same number of rows and columns)?

  • @KPH {ACF Conferencing Request Assigned Host and Tech} are two rows that are counted together if it has specific data and {ACF Conferencing Request Date} is the date criteria that I am trying to reference the range of in between dates.

  • KPH
    KPH Community Champion

    Hi @Damion Jackson

    The two ranges need to be the same size and shape for the COUNTIFS to work. It sounds like you might be able to use two COUNTIFS and add them together. Something like this

    =COUNTIFS({ACF Conferencing Request Assigned Host and Tech - range that is the same size as Date}, CONTAINS("Alexander Tsehay", @cell), {ACF Conferencing Request Date}, @cell>=DATE(2024, 4, 1), {ACF Conferencing Request Date}, @cell<=DATE(2024, 4, 7))


    COUNTIFS({ACF Conferencing Request Assigned Host and Tech - other row, also same size as date}, CONTAINS("Alexander Tsehay", @cell), {ACF Conferencing Request Date}, @cell>=DATE(2024, 4, 1), {ACF Conferencing Request Date}, @cell<=DATE(2024, 4, 7))

    If that doesn't work, or make sense, please share screen shots of your data (hide anything that should be private), which will help us understand what you are doing.

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