How do I report cost changes?


Hello, I am trying to create a chart that shows the financial impact on a community when a change is made.

Here's the backstory - I am in homebuilding and any time there is a change at a community, we associate that change with a CRF #. I would like to be able to create something that shows the change in dollar amounts per community for that specific CRF. Then I'd like to show it in a chart on a dashboard. We have a change order log that we log our changes in and there is a column where we input the CRF #. (not all changes are associated with a CRF) I have attached a screen shot of how the Change Order log is set up and you can see the CRF column (with dummy numbers)

. I have been watching videos on YouTube and I still can't seem to figure this out! I'd appreciate any help. Here is how my sheet is set up. I'd like to show that when there is a CRF on the CO log, it impacts xyz community by xyz $$$. If I could include the Trade Category column too that would be amazing.


  • Monique_Odom_Comcast
    Monique_Odom_Comcast ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hello @TaniaKat,

    To clarify, are you looking to add an additional calculation per row on this sheet, or are you looking for a rollup for the CRFs and/or communities? If you're looking for a rollup based on the dollar amounts already stored, I would recommend looking into the Pivot app to help with metric rollups! You can then also create dashboard charts based off the pivot tables you create.

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    Monique Odom

    Business Process Excellence Manager

    Smartsheet Leader & Community Champion

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