Can I add Task name + Resource name on Gantt tasks?

This discussion was created from comments split from: Text in Gantt chart.


  • Can I add Task name + Resource name on Gantt tasks?

  • dojones
    dojones ✭✭✭✭✭

    Yes but it causes other issues with how input is done and viewed. Gannt Chart uses the Primary Column

    Create another column called Task Name2 (you can change names as needed to make it transparent)

    Move Task Name2 to first Column. New tasks are put in this column.

    Change the Primary Column to a Formula e.g. =[Task Name2]@row + " " + [Resource Name]@row

    Problem is you have to leave the Primary column visible to manage parent child relationships i.e. it takes up space and makes it messy so I don't recommend it.