OR Statements

Robert S Fike
Robert S Fike ✭✭✭✭
edited 05/07/24 in Formulas and Functions

Can anyone see the error in my formula.

=IF($Help$1 >= April$1, COUNTIFS({888 - Job Progress Slab}, <=DATE(2024, April$1, 31), {888 - Job Progress Origination Note}, = "Spec") + COUNTIF(OR{888 - Job Progress Final CO}, "", {888 - Job Progress Final CO}, >Date([Help Lot Size]1, March1,1)) + COUNTIF(OR({888 - Job Progress Contract Date}, >Date([Help Lot Size]1,March1,31), {888 - Job Progress Contract Date}, "")), “”)


  • dojones
    dojones ✭✭✭✭

    You are missing a cell reference in the COUNTIF(OR(…

    There should be a Range or Cell before OR with comma before OR. Below is an example.

    =COUNTIF([Raid Item Type]:[Raid Item Type], OR(@cell = "PMO", @cell = "Change Enablement"))

  • Robert S Fike
    Robert S Fike ✭✭✭✭

    =IF($Help$1 >= April$1, COUNTIFS({888 - Job Progress Slab}, <=DATE(2024, April$1, 31), {888 - Job Progress Origination Note}, = "Spec") + COUNTIF({888 - Job Progress Final CO}, OR({888 - Job Progress Final CO}, "", {888 - Job Progress Final CO}, >Date([Help Lot Size]1, March1,1))) + COUNTIF({888 - Job Progress Contract Date}, OR({888 - Job Progress Contract Date}, >Date([Help Lot Size]1,March1,31), {888 - Job Progress Contract Date}, "")), “”)

    Tried this, but still UPARSEABLE. Thougths?

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