Is there a way to automatically update an excel file from smartsheet

I am trying to display turn around time but we have so much data and the smartsheet charts aren't advanced enough to show what we need. I would like to use excel to graph the data but the smartsheet is updated daily and manually exporting to excel would be such a hassle. Is there any way I can make it export the data from smartsheet to the excel file weekly? I do not want to create a new excel file I want to continuously update one file using smartsheet data.


  • Mark.poole
    Mark.poole Community Champion
    edited 05/08/24

    There is the Data Shuttle feature. It's located under Connections at the top of your sheets.

    It is a paid feature how ever so please keep that in mind.

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  • you can build a workflow with Microsoft Power Automate with an connector to Smartsheet. Alternatively a direct data connection between Smartsheet and Excel, but this way will only work, when you open the file.

  • I've looked into data shuttle and I run into this issue

    How can I make it go to a local excel file?

  • tovythomas
    tovythomas ✭✭✭✭

    Do you have a OneDrive or SharePoint storage space that you are leveraging ? You could put the file out there and then use the OneDrive client to sync the folder locally to your machine.

    This way you'd still have it local but it would have a backed up cloud version that Data Shuttle may be able to access.

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion

    You can publish the sheet as Read Only - HTML then use the published URL to pull in to an Excel file using the "Get Data → From Other Sources → From Web". Then in the data tab you can use the "Refresh All" dropdown to open up the "Connection Properties". From there you can set up custom refresh rates to include on open and even time based for when the file is not open. The catches here are that the sheet does have to be published, and the query will not pull any hidden columns or rows that have been filtered out.