🚀 Join Our Research Study for New Users! 🚀

Are you new to Smartsheet or do you know someone who is? We want to hear from you, even if you aren’t currently using Smartsheet.

We are conducting research to better understand new users' experiences. You don't have to do anything to prepare.

How You Can Participate:

  1. New Users: If you've recently started using Smartsheet (within the last 30 days), we'd love to hear from you. Fill out this form to express your interest in participating.
  2. Nominations: Know a coworker who is new to Smartsheet? Nominate them to share their insights. Share this form with your coworkers and encourage them to join.

Why Participate?

  • Influence the future: Your feedback could impact how we enhance Smartsheet.
  • Rewards: Participants will receive a thank-you gift in a form of a gift card for their valuable time and input.

Your voice matters. We can't wait to learn from your experiences!