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"Projected % complete" & weighted average for parent rows

Hello - can anyone help me find a formula for ensuring that the 'expected % complete' of the Parent row is equal to the correct weighted average of the children rows?

I noticed that when I have multiple tasks, with a gap in timing, that the parent row takes the earliest start and the latest end date (which it should), but that my 'expected % complete' formula doesn't account for a gap between timing of deliverables (i.e. the gap in timing between rows 199 and 200 in the example of my plan below) so the parent row is delayed, even though none of the children rows are delayed.

FYIs in case you need them:

  • I tried using AVGW formula in the 'expected % complete' column, but that didn't seem to work
  • If it matters, I have 6 hierarchy levels and would like parent rows to take into account all of its child rows (like the automatically calculated % complete column)
  • Below are the formulas I am currently using: (status formula works fine, but expected % complete only works for children rows))
    • Status (basically, if a task is >90% on time, it's on track… if its 70-90% on time, its "at risk" and if its below 70% or past due, its delayed:
      • IF([NDA Deliverable]@row = "", "", IF([% Complete (Actual)]@row = 1, "Complete", IF(AND([% Complete (Expected)]@row > 0, [% Complete (Actual)]@row < [% Complete (Expected)]@row * 0.71), "Delayed", IF(AND([% Complete (Actual)]@row > [% Complete (Expected)]@row * 0.7, [% Complete (Actual)]@row < [% Complete (Expected)]@row * 0.9), "At Risk", IF(AND([% Complete (Actual)]@row = 0, [% Complete (Expected)]@row = 0), "On Track (Not Started)", IF(AND([% Complete (Actual)]@row > 0, [% Complete (Actual)]@row >= [% Complete (Expected)]@row * 0.9), "On Track (In Progress)"))))))
    • Expected % complete:
      • MAX(MIN(IF([Duration (Work Days)]@row>0, ((TODAY()-[Start Date]@row) / ([End Date]@row -[Start Date]@row)), IF([Duration (Work Days)]@row = 0)), 1), 0)

Any thoughts/ help someone can give is tremendously appreciated!



Best Answer

  • Community Champion
    edited 06/07/24 Answer ✓

    Put this in your actual on your parent rows to see if that help out. It will only average the % that is NOT "On Track (Not Started)"

    =(Sumif(Children([Calculated Status(Automatic)]@row),"Complete", CHILDREN([% Complete (Actual)]@row))+Sumif(Children([Calculated Status(Automatic)]@row),"Delayed", CHILDREN([% Complete (Actual)]@row))+Sumif(Children([Calculated Status(Automatic)]@row),"At Risk", CHILDREN([% Complete (Actual)]@row))+Sumif(Children([Calculated Status(Automatic)]@row),"On Track (In Progress)", CHILDREN([% Complete (Actual)]@row)))/(Countif(Children([Calculated Status(Automatic)]@row),"Complete")+Countif(Children([Calculated Status(Automatic)]@row),"Delayed")+Countif(Children([Calculated Status(Automatic)]@row),"On Track (In Progress)")+Countif(Children([Calculated Status(Automatic)]@row),"At Risk"))

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  • Community Champion

    Good Morning @blawrence13

    What if you tried an if function. In a helper column.

    =IF(COUNT(ANCESTORS())=1,IF((COUNTIF(CHILDREN([Calculated Status(Automatic)]@row),"On track (Not started)"+COUNTIF(Children([Calculated Status(Automatic)]@row),"Complete")))/Count(CHILDREN([Calculated Status(Automatic)]@row))=1,"On track (Not started)"))

    Then on the parent rows just change your formula to reference the helper row. To keep it a column formula just add this to the front.

    =IF(COUNT(ANCESTORS())=1,[Helper Column]@row,IF([NDA Deliverable]@row = "", "", IF([% Complete (Actual)]@row = 1, "Complete", IF(AND([% Complete (Expected)]@row > 0, [% Complete (Actual)]@row < [% Complete (Expected)]@row * 0.71), "Delayed", IF(AND([% Complete (Actual)]@row > [% Complete (Expected)]@row * 0.7, [% Complete (Actual)]@row < [% Complete (Expected)]@row * 0.9), "At Risk", IF(AND([% Complete (Actual)]@row = 0, [% Complete (Expected)]@row = 0), "On Track (Not Started)", IF(AND([% Complete (Actual)]@row > 0, [% Complete (Actual)]@row >= [% Complete (Expected)]@row * 0.9), "On Track (In Progress)")))))))

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  • Community Champion

    I just saw the statement of the amount of hierarchy levels. I would have to rework the formulas how ever. Perhaps it will help you along the way until I get them rebuilt for you.

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  • Community Champion
    edited 06/07/24 Answer ✓

    Put this in your actual on your parent rows to see if that help out. It will only average the % that is NOT "On Track (Not Started)"

    =(Sumif(Children([Calculated Status(Automatic)]@row),"Complete", CHILDREN([% Complete (Actual)]@row))+Sumif(Children([Calculated Status(Automatic)]@row),"Delayed", CHILDREN([% Complete (Actual)]@row))+Sumif(Children([Calculated Status(Automatic)]@row),"At Risk", CHILDREN([% Complete (Actual)]@row))+Sumif(Children([Calculated Status(Automatic)]@row),"On Track (In Progress)", CHILDREN([% Complete (Actual)]@row)))/(Countif(Children([Calculated Status(Automatic)]@row),"Complete")+Countif(Children([Calculated Status(Automatic)]@row),"Delayed")+Countif(Children([Calculated Status(Automatic)]@row),"On Track (In Progress)")+Countif(Children([Calculated Status(Automatic)]@row),"At Risk"))

    If you found this comment helpful. Please respond with any of the buttons below. Awesome🖤, Insightful💡, Upvote⬆️, or accepted answer. Not only will this help others searching for the same answer, but help me as well. Thank you.

  • Thanks, Mark! This is super helpful! I really appreciate your time and help!!

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